KeywordSurfer - Keyword search volumes for free
 Useful Resources   Started by Liam   2021-12-31 22:57:21 -05:00   Comments: 1    Viewed: 336

  1. Liam
    Liam Member

    Just found this new extension ProductHunt.


    Keyword Everywhere like extension giving you search volumes of keywords on Google, free forever.


    You can now analyze search volumes and find similar keywords for 70 countries (check out the complete list below)! What’s more, Keyword Surfer 2.0 is enriched by new data points like word count and the number of exact keywords for top-ranking pages. All presented in a beautiful way that will make keyword research your favorite task ever!


    Keyword Surfer is the fastest way to reveal search data and perform keyword research in Google Search. It’s 100% free. Forever.


    URL :


    Virus Scan :


    Liam, 2021-12-31 22:57:21 -05:00
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